It's thrilling to dive into the world of "The Unknowns" where mysterious encounters with reptilian beings and supernatural forces unfold. The story follows Alex, a person abducted by reptilians living among humans, shedding light on the resistance forces fighting against them. In this captivating narrative from Shopen's Stories, readers are taken on a journey through the realms of the unknown, where secrets lurk in the shadows and courage shines bright in the face of adversity. Join Alex, Avery, Rig, Mia along with the enegnatic leader Mr Z. as they navigate a world filled with intrigue, danger, and the supernatural forces of demons, reptilians and the others - a tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
In the world of "The Unknowns", the country of Walesbeni stands as a central stage for conflicting forces and mysterious events. The heart of this enigmatic land lies in its main State, West Missgon, where a series of gripping events unfold. Five major cities play crucial roles in shaping the narrative - ENCbrige, Avalon, West Lydd, Ethdman, Rusard, and Vera Desert.
Genre: Supernatural, Action, Suspense